The Best Cooler for Hunting: Everything You Need to Know

The Best Cooler for Hunting: Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking for the best cooler for hunting?

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hunter, finding the right cooler is essential.

With so many options available on the market today it can be hard to know which one is truly going to give you what your hunt requires. In this blog post we’ll explore everything from different sizes of coolers that fit deer and elk, popular hunting coolers, how long will meat last in them and more.

We’ll also discuss affordable vs expensive options as well as portable electric coolers so you can find exactly the best cooler for hunting the way you like to hunt.

So if you’re ready let’s dive into all things related to the best coolers for hunting.

Cooler Sizes for Hunting

When it comes to hunting, the right cooler size can make all the difference. Deer hunters need a smaller cooler than elk or moose hunters, and each type of game requires different considerations when choosing a cooler.


When hunting deer, you’ll want to look for a medium-sized cooler that will hold enough meat for your needs without taking up too much space in your vehicle or camp.

Coolers with wheels are great for transporting large amounts of meat from one location to another. Look for coolers with features like heavy-duty latches and handles that won’t break under pressure, as well as insulation that will keep your food cold longer.


Elk require larger coolers than deer due to their larger size and weight. You’ll want something big enough to fit an entire elk carcass if necessary, but still small enough so you can transport it easily in your vehicle or on foot if needed.

Look for coolers with thick walls and lids made from high-density foam insulation which will help keep the contents cold longer while also providing extra durability against wear and tear during transportation over rough terrain.

Additionally, look for models with anti-slip feet which provide extra stability when carrying heavier loads over uneven ground surfaces such as rocks or sand dunes.


Moose require even bigger coolers than elk due to their massive size and weight; therefore you should opt for something large enough to accommodate an entire moose.

Look for models made from rotomolded plastic which is extremely durable yet lightweight making them easier to carry long distances if needed. Additionally, consider investing in a model equipped with locking straps so you don’t have worry about anything falling out during transit back home after a successful hunt.

No matter what size game you’re hunting, having the right cooler can make a big difference in your success. To ensure that you get the most out of your hunt, let’s explore some popular coolers and their features to find the best one for you.

Key Takeaway: When hunting, it’s important to choose the right cooler size for the game you’re after – from medium-sized coolers for deer to large ones with locking straps for moose. Look for features like heavy-duty latches and insulation that will keep your food cold longer.

Popular Hunting Coolers

Whether you’re out for a day or an extended hunt, having the right size and features is essential. Here are some of the most popular coolers used by hunters today, along with their features and price points.

Types of Coolers:

There are many different types of coolers available on the market today. Some of the most popular include hard-sided coolers, soft-sided coolers, electric powered coolers, and backpack style coolers.

Hard sided coolers are great for keeping food cold for long periods of time and come in various sizes depending on your needs.

Soft sided coolers offer more portability but may not keep food as cold as hard sided ones do over longer periods of time.

Electric powered coolers provide extra insulation to keep items colder than traditional models while also offering convenience when plugged into an outlet or car charger.

Backpack style models allow you to carry your cooler hands free while still providing plenty of space for food storage and ice retention capabilities that rival other styles on the market today.

When selecting a cooler, there are several features to consider such as size, insulation type/thickness (for both walls and lid), number and type of handles/straps provided (for carrying ease), drain plug placement (to easily empty melted ice water), non-skid feet (to prevent sliding around during transport), built in cup holders & dividable compartments for organizing contents.

Additionally, look at any additional accessories like cutting boards or bottle openers that may be included with certain models which could save money if purchased separately later on.

As the popularity of hunting continues to rise, so does the need for quality coolers that will keep meat fresh and safe after a successful hunt. To ensure optimal results when storing your game, it’s important to consider temperature, storage methods, and features before purchasing a cooler – all of which are discussed in this article.

Key Takeaway: The right cooler for hunting can make a big difference, so be sure to consider size, insulation types and thickness, handles/straps, drain plug placement and accessories when selecting one.

How Long Will Meat Last?

When it comes to storing meat while hunting, temperature is key. Meat should be kept at or below 40°F (4°C) in order to prevent spoilage and foodborn illness. If the temperature rises above this, bacteria can grow quickly and cause food poisoning. To ensure that your meat stays safe for consumption, use a cooler with enough insulation to keep temperatures low.

Additionally, make sure you have plenty of ice packs on hand so you can replenish them as needed throughout the day.

When packing your cooler for a hunt, consider how long you’ll be out in the field and what type of game you’re after. For shorter trips or smaller game like deer or elk, one large block of ice may suffice; however if you’re planning an extended stay or are targeting larger animals such as moose then multiple blocks will likely be necessary to keep everything cold until processing time arrives back home.

Once your hunt is over and it’s time to pack up camp again, any leftover meat should be taken care of immediately – either by eating it right away or properly wrapping it up for storage at home in a refrigerator set no higher than 40°F (4°C).

If there isn’t room in the fridge then freezing is another option; just make sure that all packages are airtight before placing them into the freezer so they don’t get affected by cold air circulating inside the appliance.

Storing meat correctly and at the right temperature is key to keeping it fresh, but choosing a cooler with superior insulation will help ensure that your food stays cold for longer. Now let’s explore how long coolers can keep ice so you can get the most out of your hunting trips.

How Long Do They Keep Ice?

Knowing how long a cooler will keep ice can be the difference between a successful hunt and an unsuccessful one. There are several factors that affect ice retention in coolers, including insulation materials used in construction, airtight seals, and other design elements.

Insulation Materials Used in Coolers:

Insulation materials play an important role when it comes to retaining ice for longer periods of time. The most common type of insulation material used in coolers is foam or polyurethane foam which helps keep temperatures consistent inside the cooler while also providing additional protection from impacts or drops.

Other types of insulation include vacuum-sealed panels and double-wall construction which provide even better temperature control than standard foam insulation alone.

Airtight Seals:

Airtight seals are another factor that affects how long a cooler will retain its chill over time.

A good seal should prevent warm air from entering the cooler while allowing cold air to stay trapped inside for maximum efficiency. Look for coolers with rubber gaskets around the lid as well as tight latches that won’t let any air escape once closed securely.

Design elements such as shape and size can also have an impact on how long a cooler will retain its chill.

Larger shapes tend to hold more heat than smaller ones due to their increased surface area exposed to outside temperatures, whereas smaller shapes offer less exposure so they don’t absorb heat as quickly or easily from the surroundings.

This makes them ideal for when you plan an extended trip where one needs food items kept colder over longer periods of time without having to constantly replenish ice cubes every few days depending on usage patterns during those times spent out hunting.

To maximize ice retention, try pre-cooling your cooler before adding any food items by filling it with bags of frozen vegetables overnight prior to use. This will help lower the internal temperature faster so you can start packing sooner rather than later.

Additionally, using multiple layers of plastic wrap around each item being stored within the unit itself (such as meats) helps further insulate them against external temperatures and thereby helps maintain their freshness until ready for consumption at mealtime.

In conclusion, the longevity of ice retention in coolers can vary greatly depending on factors such as insulation materials and size. To find the best cooler for your hunting needs, it is important to consider other features such as portability and convenience offered by portable electric coolers.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: To maximize ice retention, pre-cool the cooler with frozen items and use multiple layers of plastic wrap around each item stored inside for better insulation.

Portable Electric Coolers

Portable electric coolers are becoming increasingly popular among hunters and outdoors enthusiasts. They offer convenience, portability, energy efficiency, and a host of other benefits that make them an ideal choice for anyone looking to keep their food and drinks cold while out in the field.

Benefits of Portable Electric Coolers:

Portable electric coolers provide users with the convenience of being able to plug into any standard wall outlet or car adapter for power – this can make it handy especially if you are truck camping.

This means you don’t have to worry about lugging around heavy ice packs or refilling your cooler every few hours when it starts to warm up. Additionally, these coolers use much less energy than traditional non-electric models which makes them more cost effective in the long run.

Features To Look For:

When shopping for a portable electric cooler there are several features you should look for including insulation materials used, size capacity, ease of cleaning/maintenance, battery life (if applicable), temperature settings/controls as well as additional accessories such as cup holders or dividers.

Make sure you also consider how often you plan on using your cooler so that you can choose one with enough space to store all your items without having to constantly refill it throughout the day.

Prices vary depending on brand and model, but generally speaking most portable electric coolers range from $50 to $200+. You may be able to find cheaper options if you shop around online, but be sure not to skimp on quality just because something is cheaper – always check reviews before making a purchase.

Key Takeaway: A portable electric cooler is a great choice for hunters and outdoors enthusiasts, offering convenience, portability, energy efficiency, and more. Look for features such as insulation materials used, size capacity, battery life (if applicable), temperature settingscontrols when shopping around.

FAQs in Relation to Best Cooler for Hunting

What size cooler is best for hunting?

When it comes to choosing the best cooler for hunting, size matters. The ideal size depends on how much gear you plan to bring and how long your hunt will last. For shorter trips, a small or medium-sized cooler is usually sufficient. If you’re planning an extended stay in the wilderness, however, then a large or extra-large cooler may be necessary.

Additionally, if you plan to transport game meat back home with you after your hunt, then having a larger capacity can help ensure that everything stays cold and fresh during transit. Ultimately, selecting the right size of cooler for hunting requires careful consideration of all factors involved.

What size cooler is best for elk hunting?

When it comes to elk hunting, the size of cooler you need depends on a few factors. For short trips or day hunts, a medium-sized cooler between 25 and 45 quarts should be sufficient. If you plan on staying out for multiple days, then opt for something larger like a 50 to 70 quart model.

Make sure your cooler is well insulated with thick walls and has plenty of room for all your game meat and other perishables. A good quality cooler will keep your food fresh longer and make packing easier when heading out into the field.

What size cooler is good for deer hunting?

When it comes to deer hunting, the size of cooler you need depends on how much meat you plan to take home. Generally speaking, a 50-quart cooler should be enough for one or two deer. If you’re planning on taking more than that, then a larger capacity is recommended – up to 80 quarts if necessary.

Make sure your cooler is well insulated and has plenty of ice packs in order to keep your game fresh until you get back home.

Is there a better cooler than Yeti?

Yes, there are better coolers than Yeti. The Pelican ProGear Elite Cooler is a great option for those looking for superior insulation and durability. It has up to 3 inches of polyurethane foam insulation that keeps contents cold for days on end and its roto-molded construction makes it virtually indestructible.

Additionally, the cooler comes with an integrated fish ruler and molded tie-down slots so you can easily secure your gear while out in the field. With all these features, the Pelican ProGear Elite Cooler is sure to keep your hunting trips organized and enjoyable.


When it comes to finding the best cooler for hunting, there are many factors to consider. From size and portability to how long they keep ice and meat fresh, each hunter has their own needs when it comes to choosing a cooler. We’ve explored a range of coolers, from the most sought-after models to sizes that can accommodate deer, elk or moose.

Ultimately, you’ll need to decide if an affordable option is right for you or if investing in a more expensive model will be worth it in the long run. No matter what type of cooler you choose though, make sure it meets your needs so that you can have room for successful hunts with plenty of food and drinks to help you get it done.